nexea integration framework.
Don't reinvent the wheel.
Trust us, we've done this before.
In a rapidly changing environment, we have discovered the long-lasting technologies and approaches, which supply the building blocks for your service or application.
Let's begin with Java. First published in 1996, our favorite programming language has developed into a widely adopted all-purpose coding tool.
Spring and Spring Boot are the work horses of nearly all the services and applications we created. Be it scheduling, dependency injection or application security, Spring delivers plug-ins and building blocks for almost all server-side tasks.
If your application is destined to deliver PDF documents, make use of our PDF generator, which can transform arbitrary templates and data into individually tailored PDFs.
Your business is organized in Excel and you want to keep your calculations in a single sheet while serving many web users with the contained data and logic? Try our nexelerator, which fulfills this duty with ease.
Cloud Foundry is our preferred PaaS and continuous delivery environment. If your application is targeted to this platform, use our experience to deploy to the cloud in an instant.
TensorFlow is the youngest companion in our tool box. It has proven as a reliable and predictable tool for machine learning environments.